
Automobile Accidents and Insurance – Part 2

Anyone who drives a motor vehicle in Vermont knows the minimum insurance requirements required by law. Designed in part to protect others from the mistakes of the driver of an insured auto where personal injury results.  Automobile accidents are probably the single most likely occurrence that will introduce people to an adversarial insurance claim of […]

Automobile Liability 101

Automobile Liability Cases Appear at First Glance To Be the Simplest Legal Cases to Resolve. There are rules of the road and normally, fault is obvious. Shouldn’t these cases be easy to settle? The answer is no for several reasons. The basic litigation points in automobile cases include the following: Percentage of Comparative Fault First, […]


Witnesses called to testify in Court through the issuance of a Subpoena, or, individuals directed to produce or bring records to Court through the issuance of a Subpoena are common.   Subpoenas come from a Grand Jury or Court. Often, attorneys will issue Subpoenas on behalf of a Court. What Can I Do Against A Subpoena […]

Should You Implement Subsequent Remedial Measures Following an Accident

A common question which arises following an injury on a landowner’s property is whether the landowner should engage in measures to remediate the condition which allegedly caused the injury.  Landowners can be hesitant to undertake such measures for fear that their actions will be utilized by attorneys for the injured party as proof that the […]

What Is the Comparative Negligence Rule in Personal Injury?

Comparative negligence is a system that allows the defendant to reduce the amount the plaintiff can claim for damages based on the proportionate amount of wrong that the plaintiff contributed. For example, if the court determines that an accident was caused 75 percent by the defendant and 25 percent by the plaintiff, the plaintiff will […]

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