HR manager and an applicant in a job interview

If not properly handled, claims made against employers can result in significant financial damage and damage to a company or organization’s reputation. If you face such a threat, it is in your best interest to seek the counsel of an experienced trial defense lawyer.

At the law firm of Cleary Shahi & Aicher, P.C., we defend employers in Vermont against sexual abuse allegations made against their employees. We have experience with the issue of vicarious liability and fight aggressively to limit our clients’ exposure to damages from these claims. To speak with a qualified attorney about your situation, call us at 802-775-8800.

Vermont Employees And Abuse Allegations | Employment Law Defense

In many jurisdictions, suits can be brought against employers for the actions of their employees, including sexual abuse. We understand how devastating this can be and provide a strong defense for our clients in these matters, including:

  • Churches and clergy members
  • Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts
  • Summer camps
  • Recreational facilities
  • Day care facilities
  • Nursing homes and care facilities

Contact Us | Call 802-775-8800

With so much at stake for our clients, we understand the need for discretion and aim to resolve these cases as quickly and quietly as possible in their favor. Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation with our Vermont employer liability and sexual abuse attorneys.

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